AWESOME is my word
live AWESOME at the right path

Saturday, July 28, 2012



PLKN? apa kah? yahoo saya x dpat plkn for dis year :)

MAAF ye :)
so,skarang dah boleh plan apa nak buat after SPM nihhh :)

Saturday, June 2, 2012


Assalamualaikum :)

resah gelisah scary mary takot n everythinggggg
takot lahh nk naik skola ,,, bole x klu x naik skola ?
apabila result keluarr, maka .......
aku punn sperti cacing kepanasan !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
selamat malam :)

pics of my younger princess :)
bdk kecik nihh name dia saydatul amylia :)
panggil amy sahaja :)
die 7 tahun
n comell jugaa :)
kadang2 die sngat gedikk dan dan dan.............. !!!!!!

habiss web camm ku, penohh dgn aksi amy yg gediksss :)

Friday, June 1, 2012

when I grow up...


'laila,awak nak jadi ape ? ', 'laila,nk ambik course ape nanti ?' , 'laila , nak masuk U mane?'
hahh ! itulahh soalan2 yg nmpak simple tp susah nk jwb sebenarnye :)
soalan klise dr org2 sekeliling :)
n jwpan aku senang je , ' ntahlah, x tahu lagi ' ' tengok arr nanti ;)'
yupp,itu mmg the big problemm !
aku mmg x pasti nk jadi ape,amek course ape after spm nihhh :) ohh. tolong saye!
dulu2, aku akan jawab ' dila nak jadi peguam !' hahaaha itu dulu sbb tgk mcm x ramai org perempuan jd peguam :)
tapi sekarang nihh,, jwpan slamat yg aku akan bagi ialah' nk jadi akauntan !' hahahaha
kenape akauntan? dah berlambak akauntan kat m'sia nihhh ,, amek doktor lahh..
hahh ! ni yg x suke nihhh .. berdesing telinga bile dgr org suruh aku jadi doktor :)
first thing !- saye takot darah sngat2 !- saye x bole bau ubat ! ianya sngat meloyakann ! bluerkk !
ini bukan main2,ini benar ;) 2 kali aku pengsan bile masuk wad kat hospital :( sedihh n terokk skali !
aku langsung x bole bau ubat n darah tu sume :( injection apatahh lagii !
tapi,papa suruh aku amek medic, sbb itu kerjaye yg mulia n masyookk ;)
tp,aku yg akan menanggung segala proses pembelajaran itu sume ,ya allah
aku keliru x tahu nak amek course ape,
seriously,aku mmg x minat biology langsung ... sbb itu subject bio aku paling rendah skali
aku lebih kepada bidang pengiraan , maths n akaun :)
aku suke kira2 , main dgn calculator ;) hehehhee
ya Allah, tolong saya nak pilih course ape yg sesuai nihhh...
rmai org cakap, pekerjaan yg kite dpat nnti slalu berbeza daripada ape yg kite blaja kat skola , maksodnye, contoh aku amik pure science + akaun,so dah besar nanti x pelik kalau aku jd chef :)
itu mmg slalu diuar-uarkan kepada aku ;)
so,aku nak jadi ape nnti nihh ? helpp ME !

cikgu tuisyen aku cakap ,
6% - medical
12% - engineer
others - management

kirenye,bahagian pengurusan nihh dah banayk kat malaysia, so nk kene amik medicc ? haha tidakk :(
engineering ? urmm urmm urmm nnti aku fikir balik ea ?

kepade sesiape yg dah ade cita2 yg jelas , congrates ! n kejarlahh cite 2 awk tu ye !
kepada sesiapa yg blum ade cita2 yg mantap seperti aku nihh :( , jom same2 kite fikir kerja ape yg best ?!


Thursday, May 31, 2012


The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time.

Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend - or a meaningful day.

Alhamdulillah , hari ni penat berchatt chitt dgn fathiah,, thanks sbb sudi berchatting di hari yg agak membosankan ini,, hehee



hahhh ! ok, fathiah org pertame yg tau psl bende tuhhh :)
apakah ? ade lahhh aku n fathiah je yg tahu :P

 fathiah berminat dgn ...... *********** ! hehehehe
siap mintak fb die lagii,, wah2 fathiahh ;)
hahaha,, x de lahh memain je fathiahh ,,
jgn marah ye ! dont angry2 :)

kalau nak ...

orang slalu kata , hendak seribu daya , x hendak seribu dalih !
n itu yg berlaku pd aku skarang :)

akhirnya,setelah puas aku geledahh comp ni,, menggunakan kemudahan internet bagai ,, akhirnya ! aku berjaye  jugakk ! dekat 2 bulann aku geledah2 internet, cari sana sini,, at last i got it , babe !

apakahh ? apakah ? hurmmm ... sesuatu yg da lame aku cari tp x jumpe2 ... :)
kalau kite nakkan sesuatu tu,usaha mesti lahh berlipat ganda !
chaiyokkk !!

saya dapat !!

p/s : belum bersedia untuk bercerita lebih2 ... :) dingg dongg huhuhuhu :)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Miss Low Beng Choo

hari ni boring skit , so tetibe aku nk bercerita tentang seorang personaliti sigs nihhhh
seseorang yg ajar maths form 3 sigs
seseorang yg dah berumur tp blum kahwin
seseorang yg dedikasi 'ikhlas tauuu nihh'
pastinya seseorang yang amat DIRINDUI oleh bdk form 3 sigs batch 2010 !
including ME ;)
secretly known as LBC
hahaha,,tu aku yg bg name sebenarnya :9

mcm2 ragam budak bile masok klas die ! im one of them :)
peristiwa yg x bole lupe ialahhh,,,,,

mase form 3,kitorang blaja maths kat lab,,kind of weirdooo kan?? then.kitorang dibagi2 kepada beberape kumpulan based on result periksa,so aku dilantik sbagai ketua satu kumpulann nihhh n didudukkan di meja blakang,, ohhh !
time tuhh,aku mmg dah pkai spec,tp klu duduk blakang still x clear kat dpan tuhhh,,so,,aku dngan banggenye ckp kat miss LBC ,'cikgu.saye x nampak!'
guess what?,die balas balikk,,'x nampak u tukar spec lahhh !! '
OMG ,,,tp time tuhh x lahh malu sngat cause rmai yg x sebulu dengan diaa,,so rmai lahh yg x lyn sngat karenah dia tuuu,,huhuuu
btw,since then,aku mnjadi pelajar kesayangan MISS LOW !
even klu x silapp lahh ye aku sorang je yg ade no phone diaaa :) tp aku x pernah missed call or sms diee,,ishk3,,
actually,ade lahh skali je kut,,tu pun misss low yg sms dulu ,, huhuh
sejak dr itu juge,aku sangat suke akan mathematics !!! sumpahhh ! x tipuu punye :)
mmg hobi aku nihh menyelesaikann masalah maths , erkk ? bukan,maksodnye ape2 yg berkaitan maths tu aku suke,,tp maths is totally different from add maths ,so jgn tanye psl result add maths ! malu saye !
klu nk tanye result add maths,tanyelah dgn puteri ,,die tu terror add maths!
klu aku ni,hambaMU yang lemah dan kerdil dlm add maths :( touchingg lahh pulakk :)

dulu jugak aku slalu mengadu kat papa n mama psl miss low kat skola,,die tu ****,****,***
sume yg x baik lahhh,,astaghfirullahalazim,,jahatnye aku !
tp,itu dulu,,,zaman jahiliah ...
skarang ni,,aku tusyen add maths,n kebetulan papa nk add maths aku cemerlang dengan jayanya,,,
so papa personally jumpe dgn cikgu tusyen add maths aku nihhh n ceritakan dari A ke Z psl
ceritera LAILA N MISS LOW ..omg
papa ohh papa
yg segannya tuhh,,cikgu tu lelaki,,ahh malunye !
papa juge cerita kat cikgu anuar psl aku bg hadiah kat miss low mase hari guru !!!!
ohhh,,, papa selalu cakap .'dalam banyak2 cikgu SIGS , cikgu tu jugak yg die kasi hadiahh mase hari guru !!'
ohh papa , jgn ulang lagi bende tuhh dpan dila,, malu tauuu !
papa jugak ckp miss low adalah orang yg membakar semangat laila untuk suka akan mathss,,
sbb sejak dr itu,keputusan maths laila sangat baik :)
alhamdulillah :)

tidak lupe juga, aku pernah ajak papa n mama jumpe pengetua sbb nk mengadu psl miss low!
tapi x sempat lahh,,sbb masih berfikiran waras !
n skarang dia menjadi satu2 nya cikgu yg aku sayang ,,, rindu nk jumpe diaa ;)
jom kite g rumahh dia ... kat kemuncak je kott :)

sejak dari itu jugaa,,aku percaya dgn ckp2 orang yg berbunyi - jgn terlalu membenci,nanti jatuh sayang !'
sedihhnya aku dah terjatuhh sayang dengan MISS LOW ,,,
thank you teacher for all your commitment to 3pd 1 girls :)
all your support n advice to us :) you really mean it

ingat lagi time teacher suruh tulis ' I LOVE MATHEMATICS' kat kulit buku maths :)
and sape yg dpt markah bawah 85% kene ikut detention class !!!

the one and only one !

we love miss low vm :)
she's staying in our heart :)

Sunday, May 27, 2012

FOA , aku x lyn twitter sangatt lahhh yeee
slalu lyn fb je n blogging klu sempatt
ntahhh pade aku twitter tu agkk boringg drpd fb ,,,
fb kite camm terbuke skitt lahhh ye ke ? idk

yg pentingg sbulan skali pon aku susahh nk on twitter ,,
more to fb sbb fb is quite fun ,,,
blogging pon tgk mood,,
so klu nk chatt or whatsoever,,lyn fb je lahhh yeee!
ok thanksss

twitter @lailafadhillah

btw,saye bukak twitter hnye utk tgk update2 baru dr @aaron535aziz shaje !
then,aku boleh sharee hot newss n updates about aaron aziz kat @nic_sunshine
sbb nic suke gile dgn aaron aziz !! ishkk same lahhh cam aku kannn
OMG aaron aziz! so hot mann !
uii,,gatal tol akuuu

tingg tonggg hello

heheeee ;)
saye mmg happy lately nihhhh
kenape ? y ?
huhhh ade lahhhh secret gardenn okayy, erkk?
nope,secret je,,x de kene mngena dgn secret garden weiii
setiap harii adalah hari yangg indahhh bagi kuu
geli skit dgn ayat yg aku tuliss nihhh tuiiii !
every single night,i got a sweet dream about .....
about..... about....
about someone lahhh ,ehh Oh my englishh ?!
20 centssssss,said cikgu !

mimik di atas adalah senyumann aku bile gembiraa ;)
mmg best gileee time nihhhh,,,
bile ? adelahh hari tuu,,, y? ade lahh orang tuuu,,,,

holidayyysssss syyyhhh

assalamualaikum semuaaa :) hello u olls !

FOA happy holidayss selamat bercutiii bergembiraa berseronokk ! huhu
bergembiraa ? x sngat lahhh uii sbb kerja kursus add math n account are waiting for me :)
korunk da siap kahh?

okayy,,lupekan itu


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Assalamualaikum smuaaaaa :)

first of all,saye kesuntukan masaaa ,,,
y? sbb exam dah nk dekatt ,,,
lately nii mmg penat + busy = serious

new equation dr laila n zahrah

lapar + ngantuk = makan + tido
ngantuk + bosan = fly + gosip jommm :)

haha,,ini mmg keje aku n zahrah kat tuisyenn :)
well..kitorang je yg kepochi minachi kat tusyen tuu,,
well,,sigs + teknikjb = HAVOC :P

special thanks ---- LAILA N ZAHRAH :)

Saturday, March 17, 2012


 > Laila Fadhillah
>suke membeli-belah :)
>seorang yg baik :)
>kawan yg gile2
.>sangat takut dengan DARAH !
>akan pengsan apabila masuk hospital - ini serious case ,bukan main2
>manis dipandang ! -ahaksss-
>:gemar berfesyen tapi x lahh melampau sngat!
>suke kan warne warni 
>taku sangat2 dengan KUCING !
>pantang ditegur :) mula lah aku akan berasap !
>suke memberi nasihat dekat orang lainn ;) ahhh
>x suke dgn orang yang berlagak kaye ! urrrr
>amat sensitif :( ni PENTING sila ingatt ye ! haha
> suke melancong
>tertarik dgn laki yg handsome @ILOVECHINESELOOK
>kalau nmpak laki yg handsome skit ,aku x kan pandang muke orang tuu,,sbb SEGAN lahh
>kurang berbual
>boleh jd seorang yg pendiam n tetibe bole jd seorang yg kepochi minachi :)
>takut kalau ade sakitkan hati orang lain terutama KAWAN2 saye :)
>ada keluarga yg bahagia 


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

mutiara indah :)

Hati manusia begitu unik dan sukar dikawal. Kerana adanya hati, manusia menjadi lawan dan kawan. Hati menyayangi dan mampu juga membenci. Hati bersedih dan juga bergembira. Hati melahirkan perasaan, maka hati itu berasal dari mana?

Manusia mengucapkan kata-kata dengan hati, menunjukkan keikhlasannya. Manusia menggunakan hati untuk mewujudkan ikatan dan meleraikan persahabatan. Jika tindakan itu adalah pucuknya, maka hati itu adalah suria. Seperti bunga matahari yang memandang teriknya matahari. Itulah hati

fill'in your day with all the precious words
then we'll be happy and live like we're gonna die tomorrow

let it be

Dapatkah selamanya kita bersama
Menyatukan perasaan kau dan aku
Semoga cinta kita kekal abadi
Sesampainya akhir nanti selamanya

Tuesday, March 13, 2012



okayy,,disebabkan tgh borin' so aku saje lahh nk cerite pasal pengalaman berhari raya di perantauann,,wahhh baik punye cite !
urmm,,,ni mase raye tahon lpas !
aku sekeluarga beraye di jogjakarta !!! best gilee ;)
tapi kitorang ade kekeliruan sebabnye bile kat sane belom raye tapi malaysia dah raye ,,pelik kan?papa ckp sbb fahaman dia ade yg berbeza cam gitu lahh,,tp aku dan family beraye ikut tarikh m'sia lahh sbb kitorang start puase ikut m'sia.
urmm,,raye pertame tu smbahyang raye then,pak long ajak g candi borobudur @syok habisss
orang raye umah orang,kitorang beraye kat candi borobudur hahhaha 
tp seriously bestt !
tp mase malam raye tuhh,,kitorang jalan2 di jalan malioboro,,jalan malioboro nii memang terkenal kat jogja,,senang cakap kalau pegi jogjakarta mestii singgah ke jalan malioboro !
disebabkan malam raye,mmg ramai yg main mercun n bunga api ,,memang meriahh,,sambil jalan2 tuu diorang main mercun kat sebelah kite je!
tp x de lahh smpai kite ponn terkena mercun,,
malam tuhh kitorang pergi 'lesehan',,lesehan tuhh urmm,,makan tapi duduk kat lantai ,,macam orang jepun makan tu lahh,,duduk kat meja pendek,,,faham x?
sambil makan tu,,kitorang dimeriahkan dengan dentuman mercun n bunga api,,,di tengah2 kota jalan malioboro tuuu,,
mmg syok habissss !
time tuu mmg lupe dgn suasane raye kat m'sia 

semuanya menyeberangi pulau :)
insyaallah tahun nii ade rezeki ,bolehh pergi lagii,,

i wish i could put a lot of photos here but i cant
i just want to share with all of you 'bout my visit to jogja
the first picture is me n mama , it really hot at that time 
second picture is ME ! haha i knew im sweet ahaksss
third n forth picture is me n my cousin :) happy to see him and i wish to see him at UI after SPM :)
fifth is my lovey dovey family ! memory at kawah putih,ciwidey  ,bandung

sweet memories never end and i glad to have those memories :)

- LOVE -

Monday, March 12, 2012


ahhh 1 homework againn !
penat bole ,,
jgn tanye bape page utk hw chemistry ,,memang berduyun2,,
x paham akuu ;(

I will try my best to finish up my homework within 7 days ,,,HAHA
ahh saye rinduu nk outing ngan kawan2 saye :)
lepakk after examm hahhaa
cam bru lepas SPM je HUHU
lame dahh x makan tutti frutti niii ,, 
ohhh,,haarap2 ade lahh mase nk out dgn diorang
harap2 lahh ... heeee

sori lmbat wishh,,well,,im busyy tuttttt
awak sudahh tua lahh awekk ;)

AWESOME says thanks for reading my every single posts peeps and dudes !


 I can be tough, I can be strong
But with you, it's not like that at all
There's a girl that gives a shit
Behind this wall, you just walk through it

And I remember all those crazy things you said
You left them running though my head
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here

All those crazy things we did
Didn't think about it, just went with it
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here

Damn, damn, damn
What I'd do to have you here, here, here
I wish you were here
Damn, damn, damn
What I'd do to have you near, near, near
I wish you were here

I love the way you are
It's who I am, don't have to try hard
We always say, say it like it is
And the truth is that I really miss

All those crazy things you said
You left them running though my head
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here

All those crazy things we did
Didn't think about it, just went with it
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here

Damn, damn, damn
What I'd do to have you here, here, here
I wish you were here
Damn, damn, damn
What I'd do to have you near, near, near
I wish you were here

No, I don't wanna let go, I just wanna let you know
That I never wanna let go, let go, oh, oh
No, I don't wanna let go, I just wanna let you know
That I never wanna let go, let go, let go, let go
Let go, let go, let go, let go, let go, let go
Let go, let go, let go

Damn, damn, damn
What I'd do to have you here, here, here
I wish you were here
Damn, damn, damn
What I'd do to have you near, near, near
I wish you were here

Damn, damn, damn
What I'd do to have you here, here, here
I wish you were here
Damn, damn, damn
What I'd do to have you near, near, near
I wish you were here

 nothin' else i can sayy only that i WISH YOU WERE HERE :)

AWESOME says thanks for reading my every single posts peeps and dudes !

tingg tongg !

 ASSALAMUALAIKUM n hello korunk semuaaa ;)
salam isnin dr saya yg happy hari nii >< 
cantik x dp tuhh?wahh !!
gedikss btol budak nii >< hahaha
dont angryy 2
joking je---
btw,thanks sbb saye memang sweet = = =

AWESOME says thanks for reading my every single posts peeps and dudes !

Sunday, March 11, 2012


quote of the dayy


ade lahhh belumm ready nk berkongsii lagii 
hohooo gediksss kan?

AWESOME says thanks for reading my every single posts peeps and dudes !