alhamdulillah aku dan family selamat mnjejakkan kaki di USS setelahh sekian lame merancangg n bermimpii ! hehehee ;)
papa dpt 'tawaran' pergi sane ,so kitorang tumpang sekaki lahh kann,,x kan papa pegi soranggg,,cannot cannot ,,hehehe
yg paling best skali ialahhh TRANSFORMERS THE RIDE ,,
seriouslyy i tell youu,,transformers ni bestt sesangatt = = even die 5 minit je,,ape yg best ? hahh,,korunk pegi lahh dulu,, bru u got the feell meiii ;)
12 jam aku meronggeng kat sane ;)
sambil cuci mate dgn beberape ahli rombongan ! opsss hanye @SURIANI A RAHMAN yg tahuu itu
hahahha im seriouss
mmg best gile what a sweet moment i ever had !
n to MNH ,, saye sedihhh but thanks for the 'BYE ! ' im happy :)
ade hari kite jumpe yee ! HAHAHA __mama ckp awak KHAIRUL FAHMI :) -green light-
okayy,,nmpak x die dahh lari tajukk nihh,,from USS to MNH :)
directed to my heart ! -lol- saye dah mule merepek nihhh,,
astaghfirullahalazim,,SPM blomm smpai lagi laila !
fightingg !-put cakapp -
n againn USS is awesome,,
aku pegi hari isnin haritu 6/2-2012
thankss USS you enjoyed me !
thankss MNH you make me smile along d dayy !
n yg sorang lagi tuu ponn thanks jugak ye !
i wish i can turn the time back to 060212,,